If you’re not a subscriber yet, have a look at the first year of Automata Magazine FREE and be transported into the amazing, diverse, and wonderful world of automata. Scroll down the page to find the back issues of Automata Magazine, and download 2019 and 2020 copies for free.
If you wish to see more, but aren’t ready to subscribe, you can buy single back issue PDFs below on this page as they become available.
Get a peek at some of the things in the current issue HERE.
A preview of some of the things in the next issue can be seen HERE (as they become available).
Subscribers have unlimited access to all available back issues, in addition to other free premiums as time goes on.
Also available are a digital books for sale. These are compiled from articles in past issues and are particularly useful if you are just starting out making automata. See the books page HERE.
An index of articles year by year is available HERE.
Once you’ve seen what you’re missing, you can subscribe HERE.
Write an article!
Every magazine needs authors, and Automata Magazine is no exception. We’re looking for articles about your automata, your collections, history of automata, and everything else associated with them. It’s not as hard as you might think. Click here for more information.
Single back issues for purchase, PDF format

Nov-Dec 2020
Click here for the downloadable PDF